Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 & 2009

Time flies.
Another 4 hours, we will be ushering 2009.
To me 2009 equates a new set of challenges, not to mention if most of them are obstacles,
Shouldn't have felt pessimistic...

equated a few new phases/foundations which existed in my life,
has taught me valuable lessons,
has opened new opportunities for me to explore,
has made me a better person...

i have read more books than before,
made more new friends and met many old mates,
seen my beloved students doing well in their next phase of life,
started blogging and facebooking...

a traditional wedding ceremony,
a honeymoon in Taiwan,
addressing his family who are also mine...

has added more knowledge and experience to my job
has accepted a variety of tasks in my career
(sounded more like missions: impossible, but made possible)
has made me older and more mature (?) at the workplace...

has given me heartaches
my beloved student passed away in an accident
i fell on the field with injuries that lasted for 4 months
disasters after disasters happened locally and globally...

people around expecting me to have a bundle of joy
people around expecting me to get a another degree
people around put high expectations on me

i'm not sure what to expect tomorrow when i open my eyes after a slumber. but what i know is life goes on... it's up to me to make it better, meaningful and worthwhile. it's a choice to make, for better or for worse...

Happy New Year 2009!


The movie Twilight directed by Catherine Hardwicke.

The novel Twilight written by Stephenie Meyer.

I have watched the movie and have read the novel of the same title. This time around, it some sort gave a sense of deja vu. I have never thought I would be blogging about it. The last time I did something similar was when I had to submit my assignment for my Literature paper for my degree. Doing a comparative study on 'A Passage to India' after watching the movie and reading the novel. If you were from USM doing English as your major at the School of Humanities and were taught by Dr Gitu Chakravathy, I'm quite sure you had completed such assignment too. FYI, I got an A- for this assignment, muahahaha... (why did I sound so wicked suddenly? Shaking my head left and right a few times...)

I finished the novel in less than 5 days. Mephy encouraged me to purchase the novels (which was at a very good price, two-in-one for the price of RM49.90 at Borders Tropicana City Mall). I didn't regret owning them. FYI, I'm reading New Moon at the moment, rather slow...

Now... do I still do a comparative study here? A bit lazy, since it's not going to be graded, hmmm...

I have watched the making of the movie via youtube. I am still fascinated by what the author, Stephenie Meyer, has mentioned, the novel was written with visuals appearing in her mind and how she hoped to see it materialised in a movie. Well, her dream came true! A story by her, a movie produced, two superstars are born, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson!

I have watched the movie before reading the novel. Maybe due to that, I could finish the novel in less than five days. Everything is so detailed in the novel, with more exciting moments shared by the two main characters. I tried to visualise too as I was reading the novel. Whenever Edward and Bella's names are mentioned, their features appear in my mind. This goes the same for the other characters as well. It is like the extended sort of movie is playing in my mind too. I think fans of Twilight would not mind much if the novel is made into series of drama in detail, episode by episode, and everybody will be glued to the screen when the time comes. So, that's one good thing about reading and visualising at the same time.

The novel is written from Bella's point of view. However, I have found something more exciting than that. I saw 'Midnight Sun' somewhere on the net, and it is written from Edward's point of view. I wonder if it is published. This is because I only have the chance of reading its very first chapter only via pdf.

Hmm... I wonder how it would be like if I have read the novel first than watched the movie next. Would I be disappointed? Maybe yes, maybe no. I'll test this by watching 'Marley and Me' next year as I have already read the novel last year. It's my birthday gift from somebody special ^^.

Since this is not a comparative study, it is not really a review either, and I am still wondering what is it really! Maybe a brief sharing about my current favourite movie. A nice movie I enjoyed watching, a romantic-horror movie that I don't have to cover my eyes with anything when the (handsome and beautiful) vampires appeared in front of my eyes. And the effect? I was not afraid at all to travel in a dark lift to my empty office at Level 4 yesterday. Yikes! I have not considered those who are the opposites!

I don't find it a surprise when I saw the novel is also published in Chinese at the bookstore and is sold at RM29.90. Now, I wonder if this novel is also published in Malay language here...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Party at NASAM Ampang for the Strokees

NASAM Ampang's Christmas Tree ^^

This was the look of the centre when it was decorated.

The Strokees were having a game.

Entertainment at the open space outside the centre by Simon (the one playing guitar) and pals.

We were singing 'Santa Claus is coming to NASAM' as Santa Claus himself was walking down the stairs from the office.

The Strokees are having their western lunch served by the volunteers.

Did I mention yesterday that we are going to have a Christmas Party at NASAM Ampang for the Strokees today? Yup, I did and I attended it too! Thank goodness I have traded my facial treatment this morning with my presence at such a fantastic and meaningful party of the year for NASAM Ampang's Strokees. What's more wonderful, Ms. N is getting her break of the year!
I was rushing there as I was not familiar with the traffic in Ampang especially in the morning. I was there 15 minutes late, sorry Ms. N... Once I was there, I started to wrapped the gifts as promised. Then I moved on to decorate the Strokees' nametags with glittering string of gold. We, the volunteers (gee, am I a volunteer by now too?), had the glittering string of red. Some tied it around their necks, some on the wrists, and some, well, they were more creative than I thought (I won't be detail, you do the imagination yourself)... And not forgetting the Strokees' loved ones (inclusive of their maids), they had glittering string of green... Now, you may ask, why the colour coding... it was thought by the NASAM Admin, to make sure that the Santa Claus could identify the Strokees easily.

The Strokees came and were helped to sit in a big circle at the porch. They had a game, passing the parcels. A few Strokees were given parcels to hold. They would have to pass the parcels until the music stopped. Once the music was stopped, the Strokees who were holding the parcels would have to perform according to the slips of paper chosen. If they were able to do them, the parcels that they held were theirs. This had added delight to them. How many of us could really think of such way to play this game?

After the game, we had a singing session. We sang Christmas songs and a Mandarin number. I joined Simon and his friends too to sing. I was thinking that my voice could change the fine weather of that morning when somebody complimented that I can sing! I was so happy that moment, really... hopefully, it was more of a sincere compliment than an insult (which I usually get...) thanks Mr. L., that boosted a bit of my level of confidence.

Once the lunch was ready, with table cloth and utensils and serviettes laid beautifully to the Christmas theme, we wheeled and helped the Strokees into the hall. And soon, almost everybody was munching away. The food prepared were delicious! I could see those Strokees emptying their plate quite fast. As they were eating, Simon and his friends started to sing 'Santa Claus is Coming to NASAM' when a Santa Claus seen walking down the stairs. He started to distribute little gifts to the Strokees and the volunteers too! I got a dairy milk chocolate bar (I had not eaten any chocolate for some time, so this was a good excuse for me to enjoy it then, hehe...)! Then dessert were served. The result of Ms. and Mr. NASAM were also announced, Ms. NASAM went to Madam Lisa who had worn a beautiful red dress with red scarf and Mr. NASAM went to Mr. Durai, a look at him and he could be mistaken as Tony Fernandez of AirAsia at the Christmas Party! We even celebrated two Strokees' birthday! How happy they were as we sang a birthday song to both of them and each of them even had a birthday cake to call their own!

Once the food was cleared, the cakes were distributed, the Strokees started to leave for home. All of us were seen cleaning up the centre as there would be another session of therapy for the Strokees at 2 in the afternoon. I had a good time there, helping and enjoying myself. I wonder when will my next visit be... I will try my best to keep a couple of days free come March 2009, there's a week's break. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying hard.

Thanks to Ms. N and her colleague, thanks to NASAM Ampang volunteers, Irene, and those whose names I can't recall (sorry ya...) sharing their stories, experience and knowledge about volunteering at NASAM, thanks to Simon, Mr. L and their friends for the wonderful singing session together.

To the Strokees of NASAM Ampang and all the NASAM centres in the country, I pray for your happiness, recovery and good health!

Happy Christmas & Merry New Year 2009!

This is truly one of the most memorable events this year and I am so glad that I can treasure it via blogging and share with you, you and you ^^...

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Half Day at NASAM Ampang

NASAM Ampang

The Strokees are having a warm-up session.

The look of the compound after everyone had left at 5 in the evening.

I met Ms. N in the month of August 2006 because I needed physiotherapy treatment at the hospital she worked in. From three times a week of treatments, it became once a week. Then, I was fully recovered and thank goodness I didn't need to go there anymore. During my treatments done by Ms. N, we had a good time chatting about what girls chat about. Believe me, the treatments were not really pleasant but I needed them. The conversations we had somehow shortened the time for every part of my treatments there. Thanks to her and not forgetting her staff then, that I have recovered fast. When the time came that I did not need the treatments anymore, Ms. N was informing me that she was leaving the place too. We exchanged numbers and we do keep in touch since then.

NASAM Ampang is her new workplace. I've heard a lot about it via phone conversations and e-mails, and during our short outings together. I listen to her stories with full interest. The reason? She treats her patients like how I treated my students in school! Or her patients' (mostly above 50s) behaviours are like the secondary students I taught in school!

Finally, I braved myself, I learnt my way to the centre. I read the map on the Internet, made short notes and remembered the route mentally too. I reached there about 12 noon after I missed the first turning on my left into Jalan Awan. I really hope the relevant authority will put up the roadsign there or am I too blind to see it today? I gave a call to Ms. N and she gave me the direction, "after Flamingo Hotel, drive a little further about 100m then turn left when you see the signboard of Pasar Kuala Ampang," for that I did an illegal U-turn...

It was 12 noon, most strokees had left after their morning session. I felt quite disappointed at first. Nevertheless, Ms. N told me that there would be another batch in the afternoon and a Christmas party on the next day... We went out for lunch somewhere nearby on foot and ta-pao-ed for Ms. C (the admin there) her lunch. Nice yet simple lunch, we had economic rice and I gave most of my meat to a stray dog there.

The Strokees for the afternoon session arrived at 2 in the afternoon. Some were pushed in by wheelchair or walked in slowly with the help from their maid or their own child/husband/wife/sister/brother/relatives. Then, they were seated in a circle. Two physio trainees took turns to conduct warm-up exercises with them, with Ms. N's supervision, of course! At this moment, I had started to help. Being my first time, I observed how the staff did their part and I tried my best to be as gentle with them as possible.

I got to know a few Strokees when I was introduced to them by Ms. N. All of them were stroke patients before of different causes and their levels of recovery also differ. Some were seen to be doing their routine without much difficulty. Some were seen struggling even to have an opened palm from a clenched fist. I felt sad the moment her tears were wiped away by her carer. I felt a bit upset when another cried out loud for she could not take the pain much more. However, it takes an experienced physiotherapist like Ms. N to know whether those were true or they were faking... They can act like small children who don't eat green vegetables served, if you know what I mean. They can fake so that they can stop the painful routine when it is the routine they need in order to reduce the pain and enable them to move about again.

For the Strokees, every move they make is a pain. However, for their loved ones, every pain they can see is a neverending agony...
With the NASAM centres formed in most of the states in Peninsular Malaysia, may they serve and live with their motto "YES! There is Life After Stroke!"

Read all about NASAM here.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When I Look Out the Window...

Disney Fun-tasy at NZX, Ara Damansara

When I look out the window
I see bright and colourful lights
I see big lanterns of Disney characters
I see parents and their children, snapping pictures away
I see friends, chatting and laughing away...

When I look out the window
I see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are waving at me
I see Donald Duck and Daisy Duck are smiling at me
I see Goofy and Pluto are grinning from ear to ear at me...

When I look out the window
I hear Disney songs are played again and again
I hear children's giggling and screaming in delight
I hear the sound of thunder in the sky...

When I look out the window
No more children's laughter is heard
No more people are seen
No more smiles are seen...

When I look out the window
The thunder is getting louder and louder
The rain is getting heavier and heavier
And the crowd is getting less and gone...

Come another day
Everyone will wish for the rain to go away
Posing and snapping away with all the Disney characters
To be treasured in their blogs, journals, scrapbooks, photo albums and what-so-ever!

FYI: There are also Buzz Lightyear, Simba, Bambi, High School Musical's Zac and Vanessa, Nemo etc. etc... I don't get anything to blog about this. It's what I can see from where I stay =)...

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Quote for All the Teachers in the World

"The biggest enemy of learning is a talking teacher."
~ John Holt

I learnt about the quote above when I attended "SMART TEACHING & LEARNING SEMINAR" at Bestari Hall in University Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur yesterday (1st December 2008). The presenter, Mdm. M., who introduced this quote is a PhD scholar with UM with her interest in developing 21st century Learning Spaces using Socil-Cultural Instructional Design for secondary schools. Oh boy, aren't the words a mouthful (?) but the outcome is bountiful!

What I like about her presentation is the way she presented in a limited time given by the organizer and how her Powerpoint slides made my eyes glued to the screen. She is always straight to her points, being simple and sweet. Furthermore, her words, her utterances made the audience think! How I wished she has more than 15 minutes to present what she had to say. Her research is something awesome which I haven't seen from day one I attended school until today.

Back to the quote above, in my opinion, the similar idea is also shared by the key note speaker of the seminar for the day. He has posted a few questions to all the educators present, especially lecturers the following questions:
  • Are we still lecturing?
  • Are students still copying notes?
  • Are students scrambling for articles and books? and
  • Are students still photocopying?

If the answer to all the above questions is a 'YES', then, the students are not learning at all. They are spoonfed, or I should use my favourite phrase, since these students are of higher learning institutions, senduk-fed . They need to be fed using a ladle which is able to carry more quantity at a time. The keynote speaker has also introduced another term, which is 'Active Learning'. Students or non-students should all practise active learning and it can be done if only the teachers of today doing less talking. Teachers are recommended to set tasks to students by putting them into groups or the way Mdm. M. puts it as "Mini Learning Organization" (Oh, even the words she uses have oomph!).

With that quote in mind, I guess I'll add a new point to my resolution for year 2009... which is to do less talking and provide the opportunity to my students to experience 'Active Learning'. I hope I can start the ball rolling in order to have teachers to cut down on the time they use to talk by posting this blog. One joke which I got from the internet to share with you before I end this chapter...

Teacher : What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

Pupil : A teacher.

Special thanks to Mdm. NMK for giving me the opportunity to attend this seminar.